Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Utah Oddity - Politics

In general, I don't like politics.  I vote and do my civic duty, but politics really bug me.  Why?  Because it comes down to who you know and who can scratch your back the best.  This week I've been dealing with a lot of politics. 

Yes, it was voting week this week.  But the politics that have been bugging me is with the high school.  You see, our high school excels in sports and athletics.  But it is all political.  Unless you know the coach or he knows you or the family, there isn't a chance for you.  My son tried out for basketball.  He has been trying since 9th grade.  Our old neighbor happened to be hired as the assistant coach when he was in 9th grade.  I asked him about my son, Macaroni and his chances for the team.  He told me, flat out, that Macaroni didn't have a chance at making the team.  He said that team has been picked since the 3rd grade.  He said Macaroni was a great player, but since the team has already been picked, they won't even look at him.  And they didn't.  He didn't make the team that year. 

Macaroni loves basketball and works on his skills all the time.  He was hoping that this year it would be different.  And it was.  This year, a coach took HIM aside, and told him how great he was playing and how much he has improved his skills, etc.  Then told him that they were not picking any juniors for the team.  Yep, again.  POLITICS!!  But, both Macaroni and I agree, that this is their loss.  They are missing a great example of strength, determination and power.  Macaroni does not give up.  He gives it his all.  That's what I love about that kid.

I remember some political stuff in high school.  But not nearly to the extent of this.  And it's not just in the basketball program.  It's in soccer, football and baseball.  Both boys and girls sports.  I don't know if it happens in other states.  But it's BAD here in Utah.  It's one of the many oddities here.


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