Friday, January 13, 2012

I think I'm so great....

Itshay (MSW) - it's pig Latin for a different word.

You know, I think I'm so great.  I took my kids who are out of school to Classic skating the other day.  Great mom!  I cleaned the house, swept the floor.  Great mom!  I got my coupons organized and put away for my next shopping trip.  Great mom!  I organized all my Tupperware and lids, so every container has a matching lid.  Great mom!  I made a pork roast and baked potatoes for dinner group.  See, great mom!  I even made "green" breakfast smoothies the last 2 days for the family.  Dang, I am so great!!

Oh, how quickly I fall.

I try so hard to stay organized and clutter free.  So hard!   But for the life of me, I can't find the paper listing all the swearwords I thought of for this blog.  I'm been looking with no success.  That is why I haven't written in a while.  I need my cheat-sheet!  Where is it?!!

Every day with the kids home makes the house a disaster area.  I am constantly picking up stuff, doing dishes, laundry.  Go back to school already!

The kids, being out of school, are screaming and yelling at each other.  Satan spawn!

I am trying desperately to loss weight.  It's not coming off as quick as I want it to.  Cheesecake anyone?

The teenagers are going a hundred miles an hour and always need the car.  Dude, get a job and get your own car!!

Along with the teenagers and their busy life, if I see another McDonald's wrapper in the car from your activities, I'm going to scream!  Stop wasting your money!  Plus, I'm on a diet.  If I smell french fries, I'll want them!

Itshay!  I'm falling, and I'm falling fast!!

As always, there is a silver lining.  We did schedule a vacation in May to Disneyland.  Too bad the kids are coming with us!



Oh.. the life of a mother.. with teens... who eat McDonalds..I feel your pain!!

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