Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Surprise Inheritance!

Idaknow and Wuzuntme - these are not Mormon Swearwords (MSW).  These are parenthood swearwords.  And they are not tolerated in my house!

Years ago, Oscar the grouch and I received an inheritance.  An adoption of sorts.  Unexpected twins.  I don't know the date of the arrival because there was no paperwork.  I don't even know the nationality of these twins, they just appeared in our house one day and never left.  No lawyers, no legal fees, no nothing.  It's a miracle that they are still here and no authorities have come to take them away.  They come and go at their leisure and must love the comfort, love and peace of our home.  Let me tell you a little about these two unseen bundles of joy!

Me to Macaroni one day....."Who opened a box of granola bars and left out all the wrappers and didn't through anything away?!"  Macaroni's response..."Wuzentme!"  That darn kid!  Wuzentme left a huge mess and when it came time to clean up, he disappears!  He must be German with that name.  And he didn't even bring bratwurst!

Another example ....me to Apple the other day...."Apple, do you know who belongs to all the flip-flops, sandals and tennis shoes by the front door?"   "Idaknow!"  Wow, Idaknow has a ton of shoes and never puts them away.  No more shopping for that kid!  The trouble is, I don't remember buying shoes for Idaknow!

"Cheese, did you forget to empty the dishwasher?"   "No, Wuzentme!"  Cheese replies.  Hmm, I could of sworn it was his turn!  Wuzentme is never there for chore time.....why did this inheritance happen to me?!

Whine asked this morning where her book order form was.  You know, those book orders teachers send home to torment the parents.  "Please mom, I want that book so bad!  If you buy it for me, I promise I'll put it away.  I have to have it!"  Blah, Blah, Blah...  I think the form mysteriously disappeared in the garbage can the day after it came home.  "Where's my form!", she hollars once again. My answer, "Idaknow!"  See, two can play at this game!  After all, Wuzentme!


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