Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Touched the butt.....at bare lake!

Butt (MSW) - this is actually a swearword at out house.  Butt or bum is not to be used.  Oscar the grouch finds them very offensive.  I don't find them offensive and will say them on occasion.  Of course, most non-Mormons use the word a**. 

We had our first camping trip ever this weekend!  We have never gone before.  We either didn't have time or money to do this, nor the gear.  So we bought a tent several years ago and said let's do it!  It takes us that long to follow through.  Sad, isn't it?

We went up to Bear Lake in Northern Utah.  Not bare lake though.  No nakedness, thank heavens!  I just put that up to make you look!  It worked, didn't it? We went with several families and had a blast!

The drive was supposed to be non-eventful.  Yeah, supposed to be is the key there.  We went up through Wyoming and Oscar had to make sure we stopped to take pictures.
Then, he noticed that our van was close to reaching 100k miles.  Of course, we had to stop and take pictures of that too.  He even took pictures of the road kill that we found when we stopped to take pictures!  That man.....too funny!
The lake was cold but beautiful.  Our camping spot was very close to the beach, so it was great.  We had 3 "cabanas" set up so the grown ups could stay in the shade while the kids swam, dug in the sand and played.  It worked out great. 

Now, here is the part where we touched the butt!  There was a buoy out in the water for the swimmers not to pass.  Do you remember "Finding Nemo," where they found a boat and called it a butt?  Well, we called the buoy a butt.  I told the kids to go out and touch the butt!

And they did, repeatedly.  They had so much fun!  Cheese even said it was the best vacation ever!  And we were only there for 2 days. 
You can barely see the butt!
On Saturday, the digging began for the huge hole.  It became a fascination for Cheese.  He had to get it deep enough for him to fit his whole body into.  Well, at least he had a goal and achieved it, right?
We came home exhausted and totally sunburned.  Yep, sounds about right!  Here are a few more photos of the experience.

Feeding the carp at the Marina
I have to tell you.  But the end of the day, the buoy was changed from butt to boobie.  So instead of touching the butt, it was touching the boobie.  Let's just say, that's when it got out of hand.  "I'm going to grab that boobie and never let go!"  was something I overheard.  Yep, not good.  Just another day at bare lake!


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