Thursday, September 29, 2011

Dinner Group

Dag Nabit (MSW) - another term for gosh darn it.  

On Thursdays, it is my turn to take part in dinner group.  This group consists of 4 women in the neighborhood, including me.  We each take a day to cook dinner.  When we make dinner, we cook for 4 families and take the food over to their house.  Basically, on Monday, my neighbor (and sister-in-law) brings my family dinner.  On Tuesday, another neighbor brings us dinner.  Wednesday the same.  Thursday, I cook for everyone and bring them dinner.

I can't tell a lie.  At first I thought this was the dumbest idea ever.  Why not just cook and freeze meals  like I've done in the past.  But this is awesome!  Monday through Thursday we have a meal for our family, hot and ready.  It's awesome!  The only thing that isn't provided is the vegetable.  We take care of that for our own families.  And the food is always good too!  It ranges from chicken and rice to roast and potatoes.  Every week it's something yummy.  Cooking once a week ain't so bad!  On the weekends we do leftovers.  If there is enough leftovers, I don't even cook dinner on Sunday!

Of course, like I've said in the past, everything happens on the same day.  Not only am I making dinner for the 4 families today, but I'm also making dinner for the varsity cross country team.  My son made the varsity cross country team so now I have 8 teenage boys coming over who need to carb load.  Oh joy!  So instead of making 4 dinners, I'm making 8 dinners!  I did chicken pasta salad for the neighbors.  A nice light meal for an Indian Summer evening.  For the boys I'm making ravioli and meatballs with garlic bread and a salad.  That should be a "carb-o-licious" dinner for them.  My son could eat 1/2 a pan, so I hope I make enough!

Dag Nabit, life sure gets busy some days!


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