Friday, September 2, 2011


Rotten Stinkin' (MSW) - stupid or idiot people, places or things.

Crazy busy week again!  Shocking, right?  It started with Oscar's grandmother dying.  She was almost 90 years old and lived a long life.  Her life story has a lot of tragedies and heartache.  But her greatest joy was the church and her faith.  She had 2 brothers that passed away early in life.  Then when she was 40 ish, her husband and her 2 young sons died in an accident. I can't imagine how difficult her life was or the pain she endured.  She truly was an example to all with her faith and trust she had in the Lord.  Apple was named after her and her son that passed away.  Oscar and I were fortunate to go to her funeral in California as well.  It was great to see all his aunts, uncles and cousins.  It was a wonderful celebration and tribute to an incredible woman.  We'll miss you grandma! 

Now, on to the rotten stinkin' stuff. 

Living in Utah has it shares of bugs and rodents.  Anywhere you go in the world has it's share, doesn't it?  Well, I don't mind bugs.  Usually.  There are a few though that just freak me out.  Spiders and earwigs.  I don't mind them outside.  But when they want to co-habitate with me, I draw the line.  So when I see the little buggers, it's go time.  I'm like a mad woman, making sure they are dead.  I'm not one to just take the bugs outside and free them.  Are you kidding?  If they are living in my house, under my roof, they are going to die!  And die in a painful, sudden way!  I know, I'm a mean and cruel person. 

The other day I was making my bed and there was an earwig on my bedframe.  Yuck!!  Luckily, it wasn't IN my bed.  I wouldn't be able to sleep for a week!  Just being on the baseboard for the bed freaked me out enough!  I told my dogs to save me.  "Patches, Rufus come get it!  Eat the bug!"  The dogs had no interest in it.  What the heck, they eat anything!  I had to get a tissue so I could get the little bugger.  By the time I got the tissue, I couldn't find the bug!  Aagh!  Do you think it's too much to change my bedding and put in new flooring as well?  Rotten Stinkin' bugs!


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