I've been held hostage over the last several months. It's been brutal. The torture, the pain and horror have been unbearable. It's been 104 days.....pure h - e - double hockey sticks.
Mine is a tale of unimaginable human endurance. You see, one day this 6 foot man came into my house. He started talking loudly and rudely. He would say things like "NO!" and "You're not my mother!" He would demand things, like food, shelter and entertainment. He wanted games to play on this thing called an XBox. He wouldn't leave! He was here both day and night. He would occasionally go out for a few hours, but always, he would return.
His partner, a woman, came along with the tall man. 5 foot 6 inches. Pretty when she wasn't frowning. She, too, demanded things, like food, clothing and constant driving to and from events. She made faces and tortured me by not speaking or just giving me dirty looks.
They had 2 other cronies. Both smaller, but just as demanding. These two complained a lot. Their form of torture including fighting amongst each other. They always had to involve me in some way with this fighting. It was as if they wanted someone to referee the battles. They also fought the time-old feud against apathy but to no avail. Apathy and indifference prevailed.
The days turned into weeks. The weeks, months. I was let out a few times for exercise but I was always escorted by one of my captors. Always under a constant pursuit for needed items.
The place where I was kept was similar to my home, but in much worse shape. The filth and stench were overwhelming. Food left on counters, wrappers from candy or chips left out in the open. Towels, clothes and shoes all strewn about. Dishes left out for days gathering mold. The barbarity of the home was insane. It took all my will to not vomit from the horror.
I tried to escape. Several times. The jungle outside proved too much for me. I was weak from starvation and overcome by the overgrown grasses. Eventually, I knew that the wild animals would overtake me within minutes. I had to go back to survive.
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