Utah Oddity - Designer Jeans
Before I get the oddity of the day, I thought I would take the time to let you know of the goings on in the house. Macaroni got himself grounded from the car. Apple is shopping like crazy since she had a job. Had is the key word there. Cheese is bouncing off the walls since it's been cold outside. And Whine is obviously not getting enough sleep because she's been a little crabby lately. And by little, I mean a lot! The more things change the more they stay the same. I'm trying a new recipe for dinner group. So my neighbors are my guinea pigs. Sorry guys! And Oscar has been busy with his church calling and work. Last week he helped a neighbor move into a new house. Oh the joys of his calling! Just glad it's not me!
So, in Utah, you see a lot of women wearing designer jeans. And they wear them everywhere. (I almost typed everywear......a little play on words for you!) Designer jeans are not cheap. They can cost up to $300 dollars. You know the ones right? They have thick stitching, usually in orange, blue or white. They have jewels sewn on the back pockets. I admit, they are really cute. Of course, if you're a size 0-6, everything looks cute on you. You're tiny! Skinny little #@$#@#!
I see these cute tiny women all the time. They usually have a few kids with them. The kids are are dressed in clothes more expensive than my grocery bill. They look like these perfect little families. Cute, thin, immaculately dressed, perfect people. I just laugh. I laugh because I know that they are not perfect. They probably are lonely, or struggling or sad. I laugh because, even though they look so cute, I know that they, like everyone else has their struggles. I laugh hysterically when I see a woman, with her $300 jeans on, going into Walmart. Really?! You can spend hundreds of dollars on jeans but you're shopping at Walmart? I laugh also, because if you ask any one of them, they will say "I got them online for 1/2 the price!" Or, "I got them on sale!" So basically, we want to look like we are wealthy, rich people, when we are not. Oh, Utah. You're so funny!
I have to quit laughing though. You know why? I bought a pair! Just what I need, a pair of jeans that is going to emphasize my big old backside. I'll make sure to go to Walmart in them. But it's OK, I got them on sale!!
9 years ago