Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Gopple Dampin Fruit Dumpsuits (MSW) - this could be anything you imagine it to be!

My life has been out of sorts as of late.  You know how excited I was that I got a laptop for Christmas?  Well, something was wrong with it. Gopple Dampin Fruit Dumpsuits! I had to send it back to the manufacturer.  It was so sad!  3 weeks without my beloved laptop!

It was forever!  I had to go to work without the internet right next to me!  Can you imagine?!  Next thing you know, I'll have to go to work dressed and with makeup on.  The horror!  Let me be clear on that, I do go to work with clothes on, just maybe not work appropriate attire.  Honestly, I work in my pajama's!  The joy of my job!

So there are my issues.  No computer, no internet access, no facebook, no you tube.  I mean, really, can life get any worse.  To actually have to work while I'm working?!  That is way too much to ask!  Yes, I do have a phone that I could use for that stuff.  Or my husbands computer.  But I want my OWN computer with a big screen!!  I'm such a princess!

Now I can fill you in on all the details of my life.  Hmmm........sadly, there isn't much!  My sister, Rocky Mountain High is in town.  My doggie nephew, Jake, is staying with me while she is up in the canyons skiing.  My dog tried to steal Jake's bed again.  Stupid dog!

I hope all of you are having a wonderful Valentine's day.  I bought chocolates for my family.  When they come home, there is a sign on my kitchen table that says "To the Loves of My Life, Happy Valentine's Day!"  There are boxes of chocolates for everyone and the table is covered in hearts and little "I love you" confetti.  Yes, I am the best mother and wife ever!


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