Friday, February 17, 2012

Ultrasound on the twins!!

Shiz (MSW) - Another term for a sh**.

This was my facebook status a couple days ago.  I am so evil.  I wanted to see how many people would think I was knocked up.  I'm not by the way.  I just like to stir up trouble.

But I did have an ultrasound.  On the twins, the girls, the huge tracks of land, the bodacious ta-ta's, the boobs.  I've been getting mammograms since I was 35 because of my family history.  Last year was the first year I was called back in after my mammogram.

When you get a call from the doctor's office saying there was something suspicious on the mammogram, you get a little nervous.  Of course, you think the worst  --  I have cancer and I'm dying.  But I'm here to tell you, don't stress!  I knew my family history of breast cancer, so I knew it was a possibility.  But I also know that they are so careful about the tests.  If they see anything strange, they want you to come back and get an ultrasound. The worst is, they call and ask you to come in within the next day or two!  Stress!

This year, again, I was called in because I was suspicious.  I knew it was probably the same thing.  But I thought I would make everyone laugh, so I put that on my facebook page.

I didn't have to worry!  They found several cysts in both of the "girls."  Mommy Dearest hates that term, the girls, the twins, etc...  Sorry Mom, it had to be said!  Anyway, they found several cysts.  Some literally were twins, like on top of each other.  How's that for irony!  All are benign and non-cancerous.  The curse of my big boobs!

I am obnoxious though.  When the doctor, a man, came in to double check the ultrasound techs findings, I said to him, "I usually get dinner and movie before anyone checks on the girls!"  Yep, I'm a little naughty.  He did laugh though.  He said a good sense of humor is great when people come in.  Most are too uptight!

All is good!  But get your mammograms!  They save lives!!


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