Friday, March 30, 2012

Tribal Council

Fiddlesticks (MSW) - this can be any swearword you would like.

You know how I mentioned that my kids are out of school, "off track."  It's been almost 2 weeks.  Only 1 week left.  I don't know if I'll make it.  On Monday, there was so much fighting among the tribe that I just about screamed at the top of my lungs and ran away.  This morning, not as much, but enough to give me a huge headache.  And it's only 8:15 am.

I wish the tribe would speak up and vote ME out!  I wish I could vote THEM out!  Help!!

FAMILY - it's about love.  Patience is more like it!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Adventure!

I am too tired to think of a swear word today.  Why?  Because I'm an idiot.  I thought it would be fun to take the kids to the midnight showing of the "Hunger Games."  It sure sounded like fun.  And when I say kids, I meant all the kids, including the 8 year old.  Does that make me a good mom?  Or a bad mom?  I'm thinking just a stupid mom.  It was fun though!  The movie was good.  Nothing like a midnight movie with popcorn, candy and drinks!

But we didn't get home until after 3am.  3am!  I used to do that on a regular basis in college.  Stay out till 2 or 3 in the morning.  Then get up and go to class at 8.  (Or skip class!) Apparently, I'm not 20 years old anymore.  The reality of that just plain sucks.  I woke up the next day at 9.  The two youngest kids are "off track," so no school for them until after Easter.  We are all wiped out!  I did get a nap in yesterday as well, but I think it made it worse.  Sleep.......I miss you!

You would think that was my adventure.  But the adventure happened with a different member of the household.  Since Whine and Cheese are home from school for the next few weeks, they are always saying they are bored.  Whine decided to have a friend over while I was working.  Since I work at home, it wasn't a big deal.  Well, they decided to play with Squirt, the hamster.  They made it a new house with a shoe box and toilet paper tubes.  It was really cute too!  They put the hamster in the tubes and watched it run around.  Entertained them for some time as well.  Always a good thing!

But that was the beginning of the adventure.  Since it was a home-made house of fun for the hamster, it got out.  Nothing like a small rodent running around in the house.  It ran under the stove. I didn't want to move the stove though and figured it would come out soon enough.  We put some food and water next to the stove and figured he would come out soon.

We saw him the next day.  As soon as we tried to catch him, he again ended up under the stove.  Another day went past.  I figured he was a goner.  But last night the kids caught sight of him downstairs.   How he went from the upstairs kitchen to our basement family room is beyond me!  Of course, he was too fast for us.  He ran into our small storage room.  Apple devised a plan!  She put his cage by the door to block the exit.  Then she took one of the tubes from his real house by the only spot left the cage didn't block.  Lo and behold, the hamster is back in the cage this morning!  What an adventure he must have had!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Taking Offense

Utah Oddity - taking offense

I love Utah.  The mountains, the weather, the people.  It's great.  But people are funny.  I'm sure it is not just in Utah.  People get offended quite often here.   I don't get offended easily.  So I don't understand that.

If my neighbor doesn't wave at me as I pass by, it doesn't bug me.  Why should it?  Maybe she was yelling at the kids in the back seat.  Maybe she is trying to remember the stuff on her grocery list.  I don't care.  Others do care.  They get offended by this.

I think we need to remember that we are all human.  We all have issues and troubles.  If I don't wave at you, it's because I'm thinking about something else.  It's not because I don't like you or I'm mad at you.  Most likely it's because I'm pretty goofy and I'm not paying attention like I should.

Like I said, I don't understand why people are always offended by others.  I just don't get offended by much.  I would love to say it's because I am wise and smart.  But I'm not!  The funny thing is, someone will take offense at this blog post as well.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Drama at the OK Corral

Oh my sin! (MSW) - another term for oh h-e-double hockey sticks.

We had a bit of drama at our house the other day.  We always have some drama because, let's face it, it's a house with 3 girls, 2 of which are hormonal.  The 3rd girl, though only 8 years old, is the worst!  But this amount of drama is very rare in our home.  Where do I begin?

It started with Apple.  She had a doctor's appointment on Monday for the dermatologist.  She has several very small cysts on her face.  They kind of look like acne, but they don't go away.  I thought maybe they were warts of something.  But luckily it wasn't that!  This was our second visit for them.  Last time they gave her some special injection into the cyst to make them disappear.  It worked for all of them but one.   So we went back in.  They decided to surgically remove the cyst in an easy office procedure.  They numbed the area and cut the thing out.  It was kind of cool actually.  I guess I missed my calling to be a doctor!  This wasn't too dramatic.  She did great and home we went.

Apple, who is 15, decided when we got home that her and her friend would take the dogs (Patches and Rufus) for a walk.  Off they went!  I didn't think twice about it.  About a 1/2 hour later, I was talking with my sister in law who lives 5 houses down the road.  She looked outside and saw Apple crying and thought I better get down there.  Crying wasn't exactly what she was doing.  Bawling or sobbing would the correct term.  A tad bit hysterical possibly.  But for good reason.

While out on the walk, a large dog, about 105 lbs, got out of his yard and attacked my 15 lb puggle, Rufus.  The dog picked up Rufus, from the back hind quarters, and shook him like a rag doll.  The dogs were on a leash, so there was no reason for this dog to do it.  But the dog must have seen them, got out of his house somehow, and decided it was his territory.

Apple was very brave.  She kicked the dog several times.  Our bigger dog, Patches, attacked the dog and got him to let Rufus go.  Once Rufus was loose, Apple grabbed him and started to run away.  Patches had to be pried loose and her friend grabbed him and started running as well.  It is lucky that the dog didn't hurt them or chase after them.  There were several 5 and 6 year old kids there too.  Luckily the dog didn't attack them.

I ran down there to see her crying and carrying the dog.  Blood was on her coat.  Her and her friend were so upset.  Can you blame them?  Meanwhile, my younger kids saw me running down the street and followed me.  They saw the blood and started bawling.  So, I'm in the middle of the street with 3 of my kids crying on the verge of hysteria.  Oscar came out of the house along with Macaroni to see what was up.

Macaroni heard the story, grabbed the scooter, and took off  down the road where the dog attacked ours.  I think his plan was to beat the living snot out of the dog with the scooter.  I can't be too sure, but from the look on his face, I gather that was his intention.  Luckily the "big bad dog" was brought in the house by his owners.  Oscar meanwhile took the whining dog and went home to wash him off.  After about 45 minutes the crying and drama calmed down.

While Oscar cleaned up the dog, I went and talked to the owners of the big bad dog.  They felt awful and expressed that the dog never had done anything like it.  I don't know if I believed them or not, but their heart was in the right place.  They were concerned for the dogs and the girls.

We thought Rufus was OK at first.  He was sore and upset, but we couldn't see him bleeding anymore.  Until the next day.  I woke up and saw blood on the floor and could see where the bite marks were bleeding.  Into the vet we went!  $250 later, along with 4 different medicines, Rufus is on the mend!

Poor dog.  Not very fun.  He slept most of the day yesterday, but seems a little more like his obnoxious pita self today.  Oh the joys of pets!