Thursday, September 8, 2011

Two Weeks Notice

P.O.'d (MSW) - pi**ed off.  peeved. 

I love my children.  I do.  But this morning I wanted to give my two weeks notice.  In two weeks I quit!  Forget about that, I wanted to quit this morning!  Kids screaming, hitting and whining since 6 am.  I am not equipped for this!  At 6 am, there should be peace, quiet, and in the best world possible, sleep!  Not this! 

Let me give you the play by play.  Cheese wakes up at 6ish and comes into my room.  He gives me a hug while I'm sleeping and says "I love you."  I know, he is the sweetest kid ever.  Until he turned into demon spawn 5 minutes later.  Macaroni facilitated this change.  He complained that Cheese was using his hair gel.  Hold the phone!  His hair gel!?  How could Cheese do something so atrocious, so evil, so awful!  Give me a break!  Are you kidding me?!!   Hair gel!  Who cares?! " I want him to stop using my hair gel!  It's mine.  I don't want his lice and germs in it."  Really?  Lice and germs?  What do you think that your brother has no personal hygiene?  Cheese is at the age where people start to notice if he smells or looks funny.  He's about the most clean kid in the house!  He even tried to use the phrase "I bought it!"  Yeah, right.  So, what happens?  Macaroni hits cheese.  Cheese comes in crying saying I wasn't doing anything about it.  Dude, it's 6am, I barely know if I'm awake, who I am and where I am.  I wake up, tell Macaroni how unreasonable he is being.  That hair gel can be shared and he should be flattered that his younger brother wants to be just like him.  And of course, HITTING people is NOT the answer to the problem!  Cheese is off crying in the other room.

Luckily Macaroni and Apple leave at around 7am.  But the commotion wakes up Whine.  Who is in fine form.  "There's nothing to eat.  I don't wanna go to school.  I have no clothes."  Nothing to eat?  Are you kidding me?  There is enough food in this house to feed the whole neighborhood.  She is so picky!  "I want pancakes!"  We have 20 minutes before you have to leave, you are not dressed, and your hair looks like you put your finger in a light socket.  Pancakes are not going to happen this morning!  "Mom, I have a book report due today.  I forgot about it."  So, yesterday, when Oscar the grouch and I asked 10 times if they had any homework was obviously ignored.  I'm putting in my two weeks notice!!

To top off the morning, I had to literally bribe Cheese to wait and walk with Whine this morning for school.  Luckily, the bribe worked.  Thank heavens his two cousins were with him in the front yard waiting to walk with him.  I think it made him want to listen to his mother.  I was extremely P.O.'d this morning.  It's probably fortunate that there is no one to turn in my two weeks notice to. 

Luckily, I have tonight to look forward to!  PACKERS!!  I love football!  I can't wait for the game tonight.  I even made the kids wear their packer shirts.  I know I'll be wearing mine!  GO PACK!!


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