Monday, September 26, 2011


Crap (MSW) - this is an easy one.  I guess you could use the sh** word instead.  Whatever.

On Saturday evening, there was a meeting for all the adult women of the church.  The group is called the Relief Society.  It's a group of women and come together to gossip.  No, not really.  It's a world-wide group of women that come together to gain strength from each other, learn about church things and provide service.

One thing you have to know about mormon women.  When we get together, there is always food provided.  So, our church group got together at the church and watched a broadcast made possible by satellite feed.  Afterwords, there were desserts.  Yep, the real reason we were there.  FOOD!  I couldn't believe how much food there was!  Fruit, cupcakes, cookies, breads, cake, you name it.  If sugar is the main ingredient, it was there.  The best part was the pitcher that was next to all the treats.  It was a pitcher filled with chocolate that you could drizzle over your food.
Do you think it would be bad if I just drank straight from the pitcher?  Just drizzle myself in chocolate?  Do you think the other people, about 100 or so, would notice?  Just start guzzling it down, paying no attention to every one else.  It sure was tempting.  Yum! 

Another funny thing, I saw this outfit in a catalog this weekend.

What do you think?  I loved it!  I mean, that would be just the outfit to wear to church or work.  I mean nothing screams righteous, pious woman of our Heavenly Father like thigh-high hooker boots and a skirt so short you can see your back side.  Really, it's a great work outfit.  I'm sure when others look at it, it says, responsible, reliable and trust-worthy.  Your boss will think you are the best worker ever!  Holy crap! 



When the Mormon Church evicts you, we'll take you back ! Even at my advanced age, I'm shocked.
Where is all this coming from? Who do hang around with? Did you have a chocolate deprived childhood? I feel sorry for your parents,---oops!

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