Saturday, November 5, 2011

Kids...can't live with them.....

Chicken Nugget (MSW) - this doesn't sound like a swearword at all. Read the story below.

Since I started this blog, my kids have been more odd than normal. I'm not sure if it's because of me, my sarcasm and this blog, or if it's just their natural age progression and maturity. Maybe it's Oscar who has been rather loud and obnoxious as of late. Doesn't matter why. Any way you look at it, it's pretty funny.

First it was Apple and the word hassle. She still thinks she is hilarious. Then Macaroni chimed in. He thought a swearword should be banana. He was like. That would be great! (saying with attitude and a little swagger) You stupid banana! What, what did you call me?! Yeah, you heard me, you banana! Oh no you didn't! Yes, I did! Let's take this outside!!

Then, this morning, Whine said I should use the work chicken nugget. Why, I have no idea. Basically they are just taking any word and trying to make it sound like a naughty word with their attitude and demeanor. My kids are weird-o's!

Silly chicken nuggets!


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