Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Utah....We're so Vain!

Utah Oddity - Vanity

I will get to the Utah Oddity in a moment.  First I thought I would catch up on the happenings of the week.  As usual, life has been crazy.  Last week started off with a bang.  We had dinner with our friends who, for the past 3 years, were serving as Mission Presidents in Japan.  They invited us over for a Japanese feast.  It was delicious! 

Unfortunately, things went downhill from there.  Whine (Prairie Dawn) woke up last week throwing up.  So I spent the day cleaning up.  Nothing like washing everything in her room to make sure it's clean.  Not fun.  A few days later, Macaroni (Beaker) was sick.  Luckily, his is more of a flu/cold issue.  Not a stomach flu/vomiting thing.  Needless to say, I didn't get much done as far as house and life goes.  I hate those kind of weeks.  But things are looking up, so I can't complain.  Well,  let me put it this way, I CAN complain, but I WON'T!

On to the Utah Oddity!  Year's ago, I was watching a TV show about the 7 deadly sins.  You know what I'm talking about right?  The Cardinal Sins - wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy and gluttony.    Each sin was assigned a city.  Basically, each city was the "capital" for that sin.  Salt Lake City was #1 for pride or vanity.  I was shocked!  But then, I heard the research.  It was bad!  SLC has the most plastic surgeons per capita.  There are more plastic surgeons here per person than Los Angeles. 

I started thinking about it.  How many people did I know that had plastic surgery?  All of a sudden, I figured out that I knew a ton of people who have had plastic surgery.  Wow, I was shocked.  Out of about 10 neighbors surrounding me, about 3 or 4 have had "work done."  That's 30-40%.  That's pretty high!  If you count Lasik eye surgery, it would increase a ton!  (I don't include that though, since I had Lasik done and I am so not vain!  Let me rephrase that, I do WANT to be vain, but I can't afford to be!)  Now, if you include my friends and neighbors who WANT work done, the numbers would be outrageous!

Don't get me wrong.  I don't think there is anything wrong with plastic surgery.  Whatever turns your crank is my opinion on the subject.  Utah, we are SO VAIN!  That song was written about us!  (Name that song!)


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