Sunday, July 31, 2011

Spiritual Sunday

It's Sunday, so again, I will refrain from all swearwords, even righteous ones.  It says in the scriptures, "I, having been born of good parents..."  I was thinking about that this morning.  You see, yesterday, I changed all the sheets on my bed, washed all the covers and even bought some new pillows for the bed.  There is nothing better than getting into a clean, washed bed with a clean washed body, so I took a shower in the evening, but on clean pj's and climbed in bed.  Oh, the feeling of 300 thread count sheets, clean and then snuggling down into them.  It's my favorite.  It's not like I don't do this often, I clean them every 2-3 weeks.  But it's one of my favorite things, just the feeling of high thread count sheets and clean feels like heaven.  I am a princess!  It's true!  And I "blame" my parents.

I said "blame" that way for several reasons.  First of all, I like that I'm a princess.  I have high standards for certain things.  I do want better things for myself because my parents always gave me better things.  I thank them for that.  They taught me that if you work hard, you can be successful.  We had to earn our privileges for most things.  We earned them by getting good grades, helping around the house (this is where I lacked!), and being a good person.  If you work hard, you can get or be anything.  I loved knowing that as a child, a youth and still as an adult.  I "blame" them for my princess ways because they taught me to always reach beyond what you're capable of.  If you think you can get so far, just reach a little more, and you'll be able to do that to.  I can do anything I set my mind on, and I blame my parents for that.  Thanks Mom and Dad!  I am a princess and I'm proud of it!

Now, here is a spiritual prayer for you to listen to!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

I forgot to add this!

I just had to add this video to my post earlier this week.  It's a must see!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Happy Day!

Stinker Bugs (MSW) - see also little snots.  A term referring to others that drive you nuts, like children, spouses, neighbors, annoying people, etc... Another term for little sh**.

It is a happy day in our house.  The 2 stinker bugs are back in school.  Elementary school is year round here in Utah.  That means, for us, only 3 weeks of summer.  That can be hard but, this year, it's great!  W(h)ine has been doing exactly what her name means for 3 weeks.  Cheese wasn't as bad, but together it's like the perfect storm.  Add the 2 teenagers and it's been a disaster.  Every time Macaroni (16) passes by Cheese, he "pretends" to start hitting him.  Sometimes he doesn't pretend.  Apple (14) just antagonizes them all so they start crying, yelling or fighting.  I have to remind myself often that I wanted children.  I couldn't wait to have a baby!  What the snot was I thinking?!  Really, I love the stinker bugs and I wouldn't want it any other way.  They are my pride and joy.  They are the reason I work hard, keep the house decent and don't drown my sorrows with diet coke (hello?!  I live in Utah... no alcohol for me!).  That doesn't mean they can't be stinker bugs sometimes!   

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


OMG (Texting MSW) - Oh my dog spelled backwards or oh my gosh.

Oscar, the grouch, thought it would be fun to go to downtown SLC to sleep on the curb.  It's true.  Of course, there was a reason too.  July 24th is a huge holiday in Utah.  It is the day the state celebrates becoming part of the United States.  It is also the day Brigham Young (Breed 'Um Young) came into the valley and said "This is the place."  It is my theory he really said, "This is a disgrace," and the others misheard him.  So every year on the 24th there is a huge parade downtown.  This year, since the 24th was on a Sunday, it was celebrated on Monday, July 25th.  So, on Sunday evening, we went downtown and picked a spot for the parade, on the curb, in front of Burger King.

At first, I thought it was a great spot.  It was close to food if necessary, bathrooms and the car was parked right behind us.  I guess it was a good spot, because it was very popular - with everyone else!  There were a ton of people, all walking on the sidewalk, right by my head.  It was loud with people and cars.  Not to mention the giant 10,000 watt light in the parking lot.  Oh my gosh!  Are you kidding me?  I tried to sleep, but it felt like it was noon with all the light and noise.  The "family" next to us kept offering passersby lap dances for a $1.  What kid of family lets their 14 year old (or younger) do that?  They were laughing hysterically.  I know they were just punch drunk.....since it was 3 am.  Oscar slept from about 1 to 5am.  It was when he woke up that I went into the car to maybe sleep just a little.  I did, for maybe a whole hour with my neck is some weird position so it still hurts. Oh.Mmm.Gee.

The parade started at 9 am.  And it was fun.  The kids had a blast.  My children (and spouse) are pretty obnoxious.  They screamed at everything, literally.  A clown went past and "AHHHH, WOO, YEAH!!!"  I'm pretty sure they lost their voices by the end of the day.  The governor drove past in a convertible and he even said something to the effect of "Wow, you got a good group there!"  Every time a city float went by, with the "Royalty," my 11 year old, Cheese, would scream out with his 2 cousins around the same age, "Call me!!!" along with the hand gestures as well.  A couple of the "Royalty" said "You're too young!"  It could have been worse I suppose.  It could have been my 16 year old, or my husband! 

My soon to be 15 year old was the loudest.  She screamed all the time.  Really, a family of 6 with 2 extras on no sleep, isn't good.  Of course, the people around us, were too exhausted to scream and yell during the parade, since they did it all night.  So they were obnoxious the night before, and we were the day after.  I guess life works out that way a lot.

Days later, I'm still recuperating.  Oh my gosh!