Thursday, July 7, 2011

Little Snots!

Snots (MSW)- another word for sh**. For example, "Why are you being such a little snot?!"

I have a teenager. He usually is such a good kid. But the past several days, he hasn't been. He has been rude, sassy and quite frankly, a little snot. OK, maybe a big snot. He's 16 so I know a little attitude is normal. But seriously, this is not good. We were at the eye doctor yesterday to get his eyes checked. His little sister was with us. He was upset that she wanted my cell phone to play games. He called her a name and hit her. Really? Are you kidding me? Just because his sister, half his age, did that? That is a reason for violence and name calling? I was so angry! He continued with the attitude all day! It was totally chapping my hide.

To make it worse, I come home to my other two kids. One was leaving for boy scout camp today. I told him 4 times yesterday to get his stuff packed because they were having a pack check last night. I don't think he heard me once. Not once did I get any reply. Then, at 6 pm, I finally get him to pack his stuff. He is crying and complaining the whole time. Seriously?!! Why do I even talk? No one listens anyway. Little snots!!


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