Monday, July 18, 2011


Jackwagon (MSW) - another term for Jack a**.  The funniest example of this is in the following video!

It was a crazy weekend.  So much stuff going on with work, the kids, and life in general.  I realized this weekend how stubborn the whole family is.  Me and Oscar-the grouch have produced some stubborn spirits!  It couldn't be that we are both stubborn?  No way!  Not me, in any way!  That's my story and I'm sticking to it! 

It is hard to be in a family with stubborness all around.  We all think we are right.  We all have the attitude it's my way or the highway.  But of course, we are not all right.  Especially not the 8 year old or the 16 year old!  Those 2 have been trouble this summer!  I know it is age appropriate, but that doesn't mean I like it!  I try to be easy going, but this is driving me insane!  I guess I'll have to be like the drill sargent above.  Tough love you jackwagon!



Where-in-the-world did you get your sense of humor. I'm glad you live so far away, my friends don't know about this !

Nickolaus Pacione

This "profanity" -- put it like this if you're going to the Wiener Circle; you have to be prepared to drop the f-bomb as the mutual trash talking is part of the nuance of the place. Oh come on you Mormons make shitty trash talkers; as one Nathan Shumate didn't know how to respond to the farting in the magical underwear insult. You mean you never heard the word jizz.

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